
In a riveting tale of power and betrayal, a wealthy and mysterious sister rises to the presidency, with her unsuspecting and innocent sister by her side as vice president. As the seat of government prepares to relocate to the glistening dome of a futuristic corporate citadel in San Francisco, a chilling revelation unfolds. The innocent sister, once blinded by loyalty, awakens to her sinister sibling’s megalomaniacal hunger for control.
Haunted by the impending dystopia her sister’s vision will likely unleash, the vice president finds herself torn between duty and morality. As the sibling’s bond frays, a desperate struggle for the nation’s fate ensues, pitting sister against sister in a battle that threatens to plunge the country into unprecedented chaos. With the fate of an entire nation hanging in the balance, the innocent sister must summon courage and navigate a treacherous path to expose the malevolent plot and thwart her sinister counterpart’s iron grip on power.

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In a riveting tale of power and betrayal, a wealthy and mysterious sister rises to the presidency, with her unsuspecting and innocent sister by her side as vice president. As the seat of government prepares to relocate to the glistening dome of a futuristic corporate citadel in San Francisco, a chilling revelation unfolds. The innocent sister, once blinded by loyalty, awakens to her sinister sibling’s megalomaniacal hunger for control.
Haunted by the impending dystopia her sister’s vision will likely unleash, the vice president finds herself torn between duty and morality. As the sibling’s bond frays, a desperate struggle for the nation’s fate ensues, pitting sister against sister in a battle that threatens to plunge the country into unprecedented chaos. With the fate of an entire nation hanging in the balance, the innocent sister must summon courage and navigate a treacherous path to expose the malevolent plot and thwart her sinister counterpart’s iron grip on power.

In a riveting tale of power and betrayal, a wealthy and mysterious sister rises to the presidency, with her unsuspecting and innocent sister by her side as vice president. As the seat of government prepares to relocate to the glistening dome of a futuristic corporate citadel in San Francisco, a chilling revelation unfolds. The innocent sister, once blinded by loyalty, awakens to her sinister sibling’s megalomaniacal hunger for control.
Haunted by the impending dystopia her sister’s vision will likely unleash, the vice president finds herself torn between duty and morality. As the sibling’s bond frays, a desperate struggle for the nation’s fate ensues, pitting sister against sister in a battle that threatens to plunge the country into unprecedented chaos. With the fate of an entire nation hanging in the balance, the innocent sister must summon courage and navigate a treacherous path to expose the malevolent plot and thwart her sinister counterpart’s iron grip on power.

301 Pages

ISBN # 978-1-7365960-2-9